Smoke Simulations – Year 2

During the second unit of my second year at University I had the opportunity to create some smoke simulations in Phoenix FD.

The first video is a teleportation effect for a fantasy student film called “The Good And The Wicked”. I created this with a long tube shaped emitter with the vortex effect in Phoenix FD. I then played with the timings and used some key-frames so I could created the animated version you can see below.

The film is still in production so I don’t have a final comped version, however this is a render of the simulation so far.

This is a simulation for a project called “A Government of Witches” by Nairac Peters. Our tutors assigned us this project from Nairac. Nairac decided that he wanted my bubbles with another students cauldron. Below is a playblast of my simulation.